1-AIr Pressure System- Lungs, diaphragm, chest muscles, abdominal muscles.
2-Vibratory System- Voice box, glottis and vocal folds.
3-Resonating System- Throat, oral cavity and nasal passages.
-LUNGS- Like a bellows, draws air in (with the help of the diaphragm and chest muscles) and blows it out via the TRACHEA (wind pipe). At the top of the trachea, we have the vocal mechanism, which consists of the following:
-VOCAL FOLDS (Vocal Cords)-This folded soft tissue is the main vibrating component. It consists of a cover, vocal ligament, and the body.
-GLOTTIS-Opening between the vocal folds.
-LARYNX-This is the cavity above your wind pipe (voice box). It is designed to aid in sound production during speech and the EPIGLOTTIS, above it, cuts off or opens airflow (open for breathing and closed while swallowing and producing sound).
1) The vocal folds move to the midline.
2) A column of air opens the folds at the bottom and moves to the top of the vocal folds.
3) The low pressure air pocket that follows, closes the lower folds, followed by the upper folds.
This is known as the Bernoulli effect.
4) Closure of those top folds cut of the air column and releases a puff of air into the LARYNX.
This is one cycle. This happens many times a second. Each time is a Hz.