HOST- Jeremy Burns, Matthew Scott Phillips

GENRE- Special Topics


BUMPER MUSIC- "Desert Blues" (Current Maso), "Butterfly Vertex" (Keith Andrews)



This, our 8th Listener Compositions episode, is all about our fine listeners and their fine talents. Let's hear what they've been up to! This episode will feature the original music of:
Soren Thomsen (Current Maso), Edward Bender, Thomas Czarples,
Emily Zhang and Keith Andrews


"Desert Blues"
Written, recorded and produced by Soren Thomsen and Malthe Hoygaard

Soren Thomsen is based out of Scanderborg, Denmark. In his youth, he bought his first guitar from his sister and began lessons. He continued playing and started a high school band. However, his music fell to the wayside after high school for many years. Over the past decade, he began writing again (focusing on pop rock, blues and country). He continued to pursue theory and during the last year, he has been working with his nephew, Malthe Hoygaard. They call themselves, "Current Maso". Malthe produces, does the arrangements and plays drums and that was his solo guitar closing out the piece. That was Soren on the rhythm guitar, bass, keys and vocals.

Hear "Desert Blues" on:

Hear more from Current Maso on:


Edward Bender- piano

Edward, from Upstate New York, is in his early 40’s and is a medical physicist. He is about a year and a half into daily piano practice. "Nostalgia" was an attempt at expressing the pain wrapped joy bundle that nostalgia is in daily life. With two kids (10 and 13) and a wife of 18 years, Edward struggles with letting go of some of the good times of the past. He feels too often he would allow the painful part of nostalgia to overwhelm whatever he was doing in the moment. This piece was a sort of self-directed music therapy to try to let the feeling out, and in so doing also let the pain go so he can get back to his life.

Hear "Nostalgia" on:

Hear more from Evan Bender on:


"Plumbo Surestrike"
Thomas Czarples- guitar, choir, drums, bass via MIDI

Thomas is out of Corning, NY. At age 10, he began his musical journey with the trumpet. About a year and a half ago, he bought Notation 6 music software. He then turned to music theory to get a few ideas on composition. "Plumbo Surestrike" is an axe wielding barbarian who rages within the realm of Thomas's Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. The rage attirbute allows your character to inflict much damage while recieving little. Thomas displays the rage emotion well with a hurried tempo in 11/8 time. This piece is also in Locrian mode, the least resolving of all modes. The piece is lead by a frenetic bass line which is accompanied, and later repeated, by guitar. The MIDI choir sounds are a shout out to the soundtracks of the old school gaming consols of the 90's. He says if there were lyrics, they might say something like, "You can't hurt me."


"My Four Regards To Love"
Movements 2 ("Philia") and 3 ("Eros")
Emily Zhang- score, vocals, recording engineer
Fred Song- piano
Sarah Ake, Chrisdeeona Jackson, Jayden Rhodes, Nolan Rose- spoken word

Emily says she always hated the stuff she wrote and wanted to stop feeling that way. She decided if she writes something about love, how can she hate it? What we are about to hear is Emilys selected 2 movements out of a 4 movement piece. The work we speak of is named “My Four Regards To Love”. We will hear the 2nd movement “Philia” (brotherly love) and 3rd movement “Eros” (erotic love), in that order. This is a multimedia piece which features piano, song, vocal effect and other sound effects.


"Butterfly Vertex"
Keith Andrews- guitar, vocals
Pat Sharp- drums
Billy Herzig- bass

Keith, out of Arlington Texas, is no stranger to the show. He continues to write great music and has been sharing it with us over the years. The song we are going to close with is called “Butterfly Vertex”. One day, Keith and his partner were walking their dog when a butterlfly came along. It spent what Keith perceived to be an abnormal lenght of time hanging out with him. He wondered if there might have been some kindred spirit involved in this special encounter!

Hear more from Keith Andrews on: