-Below, we see a simple melody (in A major) that walks straight down the scale from scale degree 1 (A) to scale degree 5 (E).
-Each note is repeated once before it moves down a step. This
two note group,
dropped and repeated, creates a pattern that is a
-The note durations, rhythms and intervals remain the same with each downward progression.
-If we add another line that follows a repeatable pattern, we can create a harmonic sequence.
-Below, we have a bass line that
starts on the root (A) and moves up a 4th (D) and down a fifth (G#) and so on.
pattern repeats in each measure.
-All these chords will be in ROOT POSITION.
-These two lines (bass and soprano) working together, in this fashion, creates a
-With these two voices, a harmony is implied. But if we fill in the middle voices to build diatonic chords (triads in this case) we will see that these chords make a harmonic sequence based on the descending cirlce of fifths: I - IV - viiº - iii - vi - ii - V - I
-A more concise version of this sequence would be: I - iii - vi - ii - V - I